Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tests Unremarkable

I went to the doctor, last week, for my test results.  I was informed that everything was "unremarkable", as far as Lupus was concerned.  No mention of the brown urine sample????  Now I am off to the dermatologist for a possible skin biopsy.  The Predisone has completely reduced my swollen eyes and hives.  About to start a new cycle.  I think I am well enough for us to try this month.  I have stayed off the lattes, since December 31.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Official Diagnosis

     I woke up with my eyes nearly swolled shut, and hives head to toe.  I immediately called for an appointment, and even got in today.  The doctor officially diagnosed my with a form of vasculitis, caused by Lupus.  I had at least eight vials of blood done, and a urine test.  My urine was brown, which I am pretty sure, is a bad sign.  I was put on Prednisone for now, to control the vasculitis. 
     When the the lab test come back next week, I will see  the doctor again.  If need be, he wants to put me on a medication called Paquin(?), long term, to help with my kidneys.  The problem with the Paquin is, it is probably not safe to be pregnant, and taking it.  I am suppose to be off it for 60-90 days, before I even try to get pregnant.
     What am I going to do?  I need my kidneys, but I want a baby.  I may have to give up, ever getting pregnant.  I so what to experience the wonders of pregnancy, and nurse my little darling.
     What made this day even worse, while digging for the doctor's card, I ran upon my appointment card for my last OB visit, when I was informed my pregnancy was no longer viable.  She was due on January 12th.  I want to go climb in a cave and hibernate until Spring.  

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, Booooooo Year

So far this year hasn't started so great.  This afternoon, I noticed spots on my chest.  Then I looked at my arms, belly and legs...only to find more bumps.  My lupus is flaring, again.  The last flare ended days before Thanksgiving.  I used to have months between flares.  Now I get a month off?  You're too kind Lupe' Fairy. There goes another month of trying to get pregnant::-(